Monday, March 4, 2013

Cheap Gas?!

Need gas? Need a Carwash?
I can help!

Yesterday I went to EZ Mart located on 4 mile and Alpine Rd in Grand Rapids. I needed both a carwash and some gas. Currently, they are featuring a "limited time only" sale on both!

If you purchase a carwash with the gas (carwash is located at Southland AutoWash next door), you get $.20 off each gallon! The price per gallon yesterday was $3.79.

Meaning .... Gas was $3.59 and the carwash of course.

Isn't it bad that I'm excited about $3.59 gas?!

Just thought you all should know!

Enjoy this beautiful SUNNY day
Here are a few pic that prove summer is slowly coming...

Friday, February 22, 2013

Getting Crafty

Not only do I LOVE coupons, but I also LOVE crafts.

Here is my most recent craft session...

I really needed keychains... like bad. I lost my work keys (not okay) for like three weeks. 

So, instead of buying a keychain, I decided to make one.

First, I bought two stripes of thick ribbon from Field's Fabric. 
They each were 10" long and cost .76 cents.

Next, I looped my keys into the ribbon. 

Then, I hot glued the end so that they wouldn't unravel. 

And done! SO EASY!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Vera Wang, Apt.9, & Jumping Beans

 Yet another HOO-RAH after a stop at Kohl's

I ripped my nice winter coat this weekend, so a trip to Kohl's was exactly what I needed before the start of a new week. To me, a coat is something that is not worth looking in the clearance section for because it can be worn for a few years. 
However, right now Kohl's has all winter coats marked down to 50-70% off! 

You get the point, the coat was $150, I got it for less than $60.. I'll explain in a second.
My black flats were in desperate need of the meeting the trash can, so I decided it was time to get new ones. Sorry guys.
Check these bad boys out:

Original $64.99, 80% off....

I also found a cute outfit for my goddaughter, Brecca.

So Kohl's has a special running in their paper, I'm not sure when it ends though. 
It is 15% off your entire purchase, what a deal! They took an extra $12 off my purchase.

Now go find awesome deals yourself!

Drugstore Makeup

Today is coupon day at my house. Well, fighting for coupons that is. My Mom, sister, and I usually race to the mailbox. It's all about finding the best 2 x 2 cutout in a stack of hundreds.. awesome.. not. 

I decided to search for beauty products coupons. There were no stand-outs in the paper; however if you like got2be hair products, there is a $2 off coupon. I decided to take a different route and I began looking at drug store ads. Walgreens and RiteAid are usually where I can find good deals on makeup, which I could always use. 

Since I save coupons until they are expired, I had several makeup ones available. To get the best deals, match up coupons with already sale priced items. The price will be reduced twice at checkout, which is an awesome feeling!

Here is what I matched up in the Walgreens ad:

When you go to a drugstore for makeup, never buy full price. It's crazy how much they can overcharge you. So here is how I did got my makeup for less:

First, if Walgreens has a Rewards system. USE IT! If you buy 1 Almay product, you get $4 back, easy. To top that sale off, I had a $2 coupon.

After that transaction, I had $4 on my Rewards card. You can use that money immediately on another transaction. Covergirl makeup was also on sale this week for buy 1 get one 50% off. I bought two items, one being 50% off. Then, I used my $4 Rewards from the Almay transaction and added a $3 off 2 Covergirl products coupon that I had from last weeks paper.

Coupons, coupons, coupons. It's how I save money, money, money.

Drugstore makeup is always on sale, just try to match up those coupons with the sale items. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Victoria's Secret, Free Shipping



It's true, hop onto their website, or just take a sneak peek here...

Taking full advantage of this offer, I decided to use my 2 gift-cards I received from Christmas as well. I purchased two bras and a skirt. I've never bought a skirt from VS, but as you know, a deal like this is very hard to pass up!

Originally, this skirt would have cost me $44.50, it's on sale for $9.99! I then purchased two bras, one was originally $36 and the other was $58... of course I didn't pay that.. try  $19.99 for each one. 

Original: $138.50 + sales tax + shipping and handling
My total: $2.97
I saved: $88.53 and then with my giftcards, an extra $50
 I used the SHIP25 code for free shipping, both gift-cards, as well as searched for great deals. 
Don't believe me.. check this out..

Proof! Deals do exist! Even if you don't have holiday money or giftcards, you can still save a ton with this offer. Remember, it's only for today, HURRY! 



Friday, January 11, 2013

The Coupon Book

So here it is... my coupon book!

Exciting, right?!

I started a coupon book about a year ago, after I realized my one small envelope just wasn't doing it anymore. I decided to use a 3-ring binder because, well to be honest, I watched Extreme Couponing on TLC and got the idea from the show.

The first step to fill my binder was to collect, yes collect, coupons. My main source for these coupons is the Sunday paper. The inserts in the paper are a valuable resource to save money. I also saved coupons from in-store purchases, for example the coupons on the back of receipts or those placed in the shopping bag after a purchase.

After saving every single coupon I ran into, I began to sort them. Frozen food, meat, dairy, beauty, restaurants, etc. Next, I found these awesome clear pocket page protectors to organize them. I used these because they would allow for easy access  and visibility to each coupon.

Ahh, success!

I bring this book or at least grab some coupons every time I go grocery shopping, I need makeup, or go out to dinner. Yeah, it took quite some time to put together and it requires constant updates

each Sunday, but if I have the time I'd rather use it, then spend double!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Kohl's crazy savings

CHEERS to the New Year! Happy 2013 everyone.

This year I have decided to begin a blog emphasizing my secret obsession... coupons!
I am a senior in college with ONE MORE SEMESTER to finish. (Ahh, the end is near.) I grew up with parents who were frugal with their money. They taught me how to save and spend properly. Well, seeing that I am a college student, these lessons have come into play hardcore the past four years. 

To begin, this blog will outline crazy deals that I have found and... most of the time acted upon. 

Christmas was about a week ago so I'll begin with some deals I found while I shopped for gifts. 

I went to Kohl's.. a lot! The Kohl's near my house always has clearance racks, however the week before Christmas the normal 50% off clearance turned into 75%-85% off! In fine letters at the bottom of the signs it said take an additional 25% off the sale price... and I was like "OKAY!" So that meant a typical shirt with an original price of $40 would be marked down to approximately $8 and THEN an additional 25% off would make that shirt $6!  CRAZY THOUGHT HUH?

Here are three of my receipts from Kohl's:

After three shopping trips and 17 items later I spent $70.15
I saved a whopping $354.81!
Never ever ever ever would I spend that kind of money. 

Check this one purchase out...

This dress was originally $64, and after tax I paid $5.09. That means this dress was almost 93% off!

My advice when shopping for sales...
- Give yourself plenty of time
- Dig for the sales and don't miss an article of clothing on the racks.. often my great finds where hidden
- Watch those registers, don't let a sale fall through at checkout.

Happy Holidays,
The College Coupon Queen